Saturday, October 21, 2006


The Fall issue of ZOETROPE: ALL-STORY has been out for a while now (I know, I'm pathetic) and as I mentioned before, it is terrific! If you've already received a copy, I hope you are enjoying it. If not, you can still order it here. It's been doing very well. You can read Chip Kidd's NOTES ON DESIGN - where he talks a bit about how we started working together (among other things) - here.

In other news, I was recently commissioned by Out Magazine to create an image to illustrate a gay James Bond story for their November issue. I will post the image once I pick up a copy on Monday (when I go to Kalamazoo) and verify that they actually used it. I would have purchased it sooner, but we live in a pretty homophobic part of Michigan and alternative lifestyle publications are pretty hard to find.

Speaking of gay media, the blog, showcased my work last week with a very well-written blurb.

I must now get back to working on new work before the blade of my X-acto knife grows cold! Days where I have uninterrupted moments (like today) are rare and I need to take advantage of them when I can (like now). In the meantime, enjoy more spead images from ZOETROPE: