Friday, January 26, 2007


In my last post, I spoke of finding evidence confirming my familial lineage. That was just a small fragment. As my mom and I continued to survey and excavate the site, something else emerged from the strata. An initial examination of its attributes revealed silver particles suspended in a gelatin medium adhering to a polyethylene substrate.

In layman terms: a negative.

A digital scan of the item unearthed two more relics–my grandparents.

I've looked at, touched and even possess many photographs of Ellis and Bonnie Sandlin (including one where grandpa is holding me up for the camera-3 days after I was born). However, I never saw pictures of them this young.

Sadly, at some point, moisture damaged the emulsion and caused it to run and take the shape of the very thing that nearly ruined it - water. Lucky for me, the people I remember the most weathered the storm and managed to stay afloat atop the tempest of time.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


To say that I loved my grandmother (Bonnie) is an understatement. My world revolved around her. Unfortunately, the earth came to a screaming halt in 1973 when she died suddenly from a heart attack. I was 10-years-old. I've experienced my fair share of pain over the years. I stepped on a broken beer bottle and sliced open my bare foot when I was 5. I nearly chopped off my thumb with an axe when I was 30. Last summer, at age 43, I slammed my forehead on the doorway of the chicken coop so hard that I fell to the ground and was nearly knocked unconscious. These painful experiences, even when combined, pale in comparison to what I felt after my grandma died. I'll be the first to tell you that it never truly goes away and every once in while something will poke at the scar and remind me all over again.

Fortunately, I have some remarkable memories of Bonnie. I remember the tiny white lipstick samples she had in her bedroom (she sold Avon). I remember she always chewed a half-stick of Doublemint gum. I remember the dust clouds that would erupt from her purse when she pulled out a tattered tissue. Most of all, I remember how she used to make me laugh.

Bonnie was a doodler. If there was a pen in her hand and a telephone in the other, any scrap of paper within her reach was fair game. An envelope was her favorite canvas. At around age 4, Bonnie started drawing "dirty" pictures for me. By "dirty", I mean things like men dressed in business suits and hats standing with their flies open and their "dingers" (thank you Lynda Barry) hanging out (and sometimes she'd draw them peeing)! Women were either toppless or bottomless but never completely naked (what can I say, the woman had class). She'd also draw dogs or cats (and sometimes people) "pooping"! This of course, made me giggle, which in turn, made Bonnie laugh.

The only one not laughing was my mother. It used to infuriate her (I think that's why grandma kept at it)!

"Mom! Stop doing that!"
"Oh Judy, it's not hurting anything!"
And then grandma would start laughing even harder!

When I turned 29, my aunt presented me with a box filled with writing tablets. It seems that my grandma kept secret journals. I won't attempt to discuss them here, but they were pretty telling. I thumbed through all of them, hoping to find just one naughty sketch. Nothing.


A few weeks ago, my mom and uncle were talking about a series of very old newspaper articles that featured my uncle. He was born blind and had his vision surgically restored at around age 3. Unfortunately, his condition worsened over time and he eventually lost sight completely. It was HUGE news in Detroit in the 40s and my grandma saved every clipping. My mom and Wayne were trying to figure out who had them last and if they still existed.

I am the family archivist and have just about every old family photograph. To me, they are like priceless jewels. Mom naturally asked me if I saw or knew where they were or if I had them. I answererd, "No." to each.

That was a bold-faced lie! In fact, when I told her that I had no idea where any of that stuff was, it was actually sitting in a storage box not 500 feet from me!!! The news clippings are just as valuable and I was afraid that if I admitted to having them that I would never see them again. They are very brittle and need to be photographed or scanned, but that requires a serious time commitment that I can't deal with right now. That, and the 2000-or-so Kodachrome slides I inherited after my paternal grandfather died are part of my long list of THINGS TO DO BEFORE I DIE!

Well, guilt finally ate a hole in my resolve and I made a full confession to my mother on Sunday. I explained my concern and she understood. I brought the crate out and together we started to go through it. It was full of old envelopes, receipts, address books and other ephemera. As I dug deeper through the layers of history, I unearthed an ancient relic that, up until now, was nothing more than a legend. It was a drawing! Now I know how Howard Carter must have felt.

Take a look at the detail above.

My word, what is that boy (who looks freakishly similar to Eric Stoltz in Mask) doing? Why, I believe he's pulling down that poor girl's underpants!

After all these years, I finally have solid evidence that validates a story that has been told over-and-over again! Best of all, it proves that my grandma and I were cut from the same cloth and that the proverbial "apple" never falls far from the tree:

EXPLORER, 2007 (20x24 Chromogenic print - Edition size = 10)

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Monday, January 22, 2007


A few weeks ago, I was getting (at best) 4 hours of sleep a night as I worked on the high resolution scans for my show at Foley Gallery. I was cleaning off my desk yesterday when I came across this drawing. It's obviously an idea for an image, but I really don't remember drawing it. I may be on to something.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


I officially signed my book contract with Aperture today.
It was both scary and exhilarating.
Titled, UNCOVERED, it's being released this fall with a foreward written by Chip Kidd.

This weekend I travel with the family to Fort Wayne, IN for the opening of my show at the University of St. Francis.
Justin, the gallery director, was even nice enough to order a birthday cake for Miren, who turns 3 the same day!


"Have you ever read any of the books?"

This question comes up a lot, whether it's during a public lecture or at an opening reception. My answer has always been a disappointing, "No.

Wanting to be more of a "Yes Man", I decided it was high time for me to become more familiar with my working materials. FLEE THE NIGHT was my first choice since I'd been curious to find out what would stimulate a scantilly-clad dame to stand up in a rowboat (in heels no less) and assume the "Broadway Showtune" position.

[Note: Most pulp covers were painted to "stimulate" other things and, oftentimes, had nothing to do with the content of the book.]

One evening, while waiting for Chinese carry-out, I came across this unforgettable passage:

"As she spoke she moved close until her lips were hardly an inch from mine, and her eyes were full of unspoken invitation. She was a walking mantrap if ever I saw one, but I didn't care."

When was the last time you read a book that made your upper lip sweat?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


The January issue of ART ON PAPER is out and features a story about my work written by Jean Dykstra.


After months of online book searches, the production of teeny-tiny, little mock-ups, a few incidents requiring a band-aid or two, several trips (80 miles each) to Kalamazoo Color Lab and many sleepless nights, my new work is complete. In fact, we leave for NY tomorrow morning for the opening at Foley Gallery Thursday night. If you find yourself in the Chelsea area, stop by, see the work, say "Hello" and pick up a signed copy of the exhibition catalog. Did I mention that my parents will be there? They've never been to NY and I think the thought of going has them a bit nervous. Why? Well for starters, my mom asked if I ever considered leaving Miren home with them while El and I went alone. I'll let you guess the answer. Hell, I was even offered cash to seal the deal. Oh, but don't worry. They're still going!

This trip is important for another reason: on Thursday, I meet with the people at Aperture (conveniently located one floor below Foley Gallery) to look at samples of my book (coming out this fall) and to sign my contract!

On Friday, I give a talk at the School of Visual Arts. Afterwards, I think a trip to Time's Square (for my parents) is in order since we have to be at the airport bright-and-early Saturday morning. Yes, it's going to be a short trip, but a fun one nonetheless. I can't say that the same will be true for our neurotic dog. Penny will, undoubtedly, suffer through every minute of our absence. What she doesn't realize is that at her granny's house in Michigan City (where she is unknowingly staying), she will be spoiled rotten. In fact, I bet ham is in her future!

Finally, this image (STRANGER, 2006) was supposed to be in the show, but at some point, I lost my mind and failed to have it printed.

Sometimes, I scare myself more than others.

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